
Monkey Stories - Starting Your Home Studio Like A Pro - The Room

1. What is Home Recording? According to Wiki, home recording is the Practice of Sound Recording in A Private Home , rather than in a profe...

1. What is Home Recording?

According to Wiki, home recording is the Practice of Sound Recording in A Private Home, rather than in a professional recording studio. Yes, that's right! Instead of going to a professional recording studio, you are setting up your recording task in your own room at home.

2. Are You Serious? What Are The Common Places To Start A Home Studio?

1. Your Bedroom

2. Your Living Room

3. Why Bedroom or Living Room? How About Other Spot In My Room?

Some of you may be curious and want to know why is your bedroom or living room would be the best place to start your home studio. Let's not deep into the technical part and see the reason below:

Your bedroom/living room may fill with some sort of absorption, reflective, and refractive materials that would actually help you to achieve minimum acoustic requirement to start your home studio. We will talk more about the Acoustic Treatment on next few episodes.

*Note: Room with a lot of dead end corner may not be the best choice and require some effort on the acoustic treatment.

4. My voice sound awesome in my toilet/washroom! Can I use my toilet as a room to record my voice or instrument?

Please Don't Try Unless You Are Trying To Get Any Other Effect Which You Can't Achieve In Your Acoustically Treated Bedroom! Your toilet is definitely not the best place to do any sort of recording. This is because our toilet is usually designed and built with reflective flat wall tiles that create a lot of flutter echoes and high humidity.

We always want our recording as clean as possible for audio post processing(Mixing) job..

5. Does It Cost A Lot To Start Home Recording Studio?

A home studio can be as expensive and beautiful or as inexpensive and funky as you want it to be. Always remember the First Rule, get a room which sounds the best and appropriate as a start. Most importantly, it makes you feel good working on it, and that it makes you want to come back.

We hope the tutorial is simple, informative, and straight forward for those of you who just about to start your home recording studio. If you have any question, leave us some comment below or in our Facebook page. We will try out best to answer every question. Do stay tuned with us regularly to receive more updates on the next topics too.

Happy Home Recording! Peace!

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